Welcome to "31 Days of Words to Love By." This largely unedited free-write is linking up with the annual Write 31 Days Challenge. // indicates the start and stop of five minutes. //
Today's quote: Though the seasons change Your love remains.
//Maybe it's because it's a chilly Autumn evening. Maybe it's because I'm listening to love songs as I write this, but even though I know the person who scripted this quote is talking about God, it also made me think about marriage. Much like the Christian walk, there are different seasons in marriage. Easy, hard, Summer, Winter. Fruitful and lean, exciting and normal. And yet, in all of it, love remains. Sometimes the "in love" comes and goes, but real love, outlasts feelings. Because it is a choice. a choice to give, to believe the best, to honour, to try again and to look into the eyes of the person who holds your heart and see the one you walked down the aisle to, the one who made your tummy flip, the one who caused our heart to say "yes".
I could say the same about Jesus. The seasons of Christian life change and move. But His love remains. And I guess that is why marriage is God's chosen picture of His relationship with the church. Because no matter the season He is faithful and chooses us again and again and again.//
Loyal and faithful and lasting love, releases something in the human heart and causes it to soar. The Bible says that perfect love casts out fear. Because fear has to do with torment. Love and the choice to love can very quickly seed wholeness, confidence and bravery. Varying seasons, are easier to weather when you know there is a consistent love in the air. It allows the heart to dance to the different rhythms of life with boldness, because love remains.
Sitting in London right now, the season changed this week. The evenings are shorter, the air cooler, leaves are falling to the ground and the end of the year is drawing closer. Although there is much to be excited about in the days to come, there also so much that is unknown. And yet, this one thing I do know - that the love of God remains faithful and true. It remains close and present.
And much like in a marriage, no matter the season, where love remains, then the promise of new life, new hope and new possibility lives on.
Thanks for stopping by, K x x
Write 31 Days Kara Nothnagel
To read more of my 31 Days of Words to Love By Posts, click here
31 Days of 5 minute Fridays
For more information on the Write 31 Days challenge, check out Christina Hubbard’s site!